
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Race Relation Day.


Race Relation day

Each teacher had a turn to speak in their language. Mr Hendricks was one of them. He had spoken his language whice is South african. Mr hendricks spoke about his country and how it was different to our country New Zealand. His talk was interesting and we learned a lot

Adding and Subtracting

In this game I am learning to add and subtract. I found this game challenging because some of the questions that were given were questions that I didn’t even know. I used place value to solve this question because I knew that 80 + 30 = 110 and 8 + 8 = 16 so 110 + 16 = 126. Next I want to learn how to work out these question besides using place value.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Race Relation Day.


Race relation day.

Last week Friday Glen innes school celebrated Race relation day. We had a few children dressed up in their cultures and spoke in their language.  The languages were Tongan , Samoan , Maori Cook Island and Burmese. They were all confident to get up and speak their language in front of the whole school.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Learn , Create , Share.

room8 reading.png

Learn , Create , Share.
Yesterday our class Room 11 went to the library. We went to share our e - books on basketball with the little children from room 8. I read with Eden. I read first then she went after me. I helped Eden with the difficult words because she had a lot of trouble trying to figure out what the words were. When Eden finished reading my e - book I asked her questions. I asked her what she found hard about reading the e - book and she just said that the words were hard to say.  

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Word Confusion.

I am learning to use words that have the same pronunciation correctly.  I got these answers right clearly because I knew what they meant. I got a few wrong but that's only because those words were tricky. I’d like to learn the difference between more trickier words also how to pronounce them correctly. The only challenging bits were the words because some words were difficult and some words I didn’t know what they meant. Overall I got more right then wrong.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Science Experiment


We used Vegetables to make dye. When our dye was we used our cotton , silk and towels and put it into the dye to suck up all the colour. When it was finished it turned out great.

image358.pngToday our class room 11 used vegetables to make dye. We used beetroot , onion skins , red silver beet , turmeric and carrots. The Lightest colours were beetroot and the turmeric.